It all started in Manhattan, 2013. In the world's grungiest university cafeteria. Pete was in his neon-orange-basketball-shorts phase and I had just discovered the art of hair chalk. To put it simply, we were very, very cool. My beautiful friend and roommate, Gabby, had the misfortune of knowing both of us (the most awkward humans on the planet) and witnessing each moment of our new friendship. In classic Pete n' Mo style, Peter was sweet and sincere and made the first move, while I was surly and sarcastic, and promptly ignored him. But matchmaker, matchmaker, Gab made us a match. We bonded during late nights of underage drinking at the notorious Reade Street Pub (RIP), first-date visits to the emergency room, midnight showings of The Room ("Meanwhile, in San Francisco"), and mastering the art of hopping subway turnstiles. It was broke-college-kids-in-manhattan magic. A year later we moved to Queens, graduated and adopted our first goblin cat, Theo (light of my life). Then came Jersey City, new jobs, car accidents, and a wonderful two years spent with our beloved Jersey friends and family, and our new crusty-kitten, BooBoo. And then finally, we made the big leap and moved west, to our sweet little city, Seattle. We settled in Green Lake and met incredible neighbors-turned-friends. We traveled to Amsterdam and Paris and Thailand. We had spastic weekend getaways with our other life partner, Maria (hehe). Pete tore his meniscus. We welcomed our sweet Aussie-dog, Indy. We spent hours at Hellbent Brewing (and Icicle Brewing... and Ravenna Brewing... and... you get it) with family. We introduced our East Coast crew to San Juan Island and Leavenworth. I tried and failed to learn Dutch. Pete tore his meniscus again (please stop). Pete proposed and I laughed at him because I thought his knee had given out again. And now we're on to the next big milestone: gettin' hitched. We have been so lucky to have spent the past decade together and can't wait to celebrate with you all in the city we love so much. See you soon. -m&p